"Peak oil" was a key concept in the film. Since there is only a limited amount of oil on the planet, there is a maximum amount that can be extracted. After that peak, it will be all downhill from there...literally. This is a link to a great and simple video about peak oil which summarizes the concept, and shows us 2 scenarios for the future.
If demand for oil continues to increase as supply declines, we may see:
- Increased prices
- Shortages of all kinds (gas, other fuels, asphalt for roads, and MANY other products that are made from oil or require oil to manufacture)
- Economic depressions
- Resource wars
- Global warming and other environmental devastation...
But humanity does have another option. If oil is conserved and demand shrinks, and...
- Clean, renewable alternatives to oil are implemented
- Sustainable, local agriculture
- Drastic decreases in vehicle use
I really want to go with Option 2. But the problem is...this is not about ME. This is about WE. I can't force anyone to do anything. And honestly, I'm not very confident that WE will get in high gear quickly enough. So should I quit school? Should I conclude that I am preparing for a future that doesn't exist?

I have read and watched a lot of futuristic, dystopia-type books and movies, and maybe I am just over-reacting. But I really do believe there is at least a little bit of truth to them. One thing is for certain. The future will be very different, and there is definitely the possibility of it becoming much worse. I don't see any harm in hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
My favorite dystopia is Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood...our suburbs eventually become slums. I highly recommend it, check out the synopsis here.
Cited References:
Climate Progress. German Military Sturdy Warns of Peak Oil Crisis. Found at: http://www.topnews.in/files/Crude-oil-prices11.jpg Retrieved on: January 2011.
Kedia, Ajay. Commodity Outlook for Crude Oil. Found at: http://www.topnews.in/files/Crude-oil-prices11.jpg Retrived on: January 2011.
McLean, Scott. Peak Oil - Visually Explained. Found at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHKp5vF_VoE&feature=related Retrieved on: January 2011.
Municipality of Magnetawan. Life of the Pioneer. Found at: http://www.magnetawan.com/farming.jpg Retrieved on January 2o11.