Saturday, March 26, 2011


Journal Entry #10

This week in class we discusses governmental policy as related to green building and planning. I have already ranted about our lack of policy before, but last class we learned about some great incentives being promoted by our government. They included discounts and rebates on items and systems like HVAC, geothermal heating, light bulbs, low-flow shower heads and much more.

On a very much related a few short months something exciting is going to happen. Oh yes. It's a FEDERAL ELECTION! I guess it's a well known fact that most people aged 18-25 don't find this exciting at all. But I have always found this to be a huge huge pity and something that ultimately leads to HUGE losses both for our age group personally AND the environment. I have noticed that there is a considerably larger proportion of young individuals who care about the environment than the older generation. (This is not an official statistic or anything, just my observation from discussing issues with people at my workplace, within my family, university etc.) I think this is because we have grown up with more and more emerging environmental issues all the time. They're becoming a part of our internal conscience/morality.

Tree-hugging generation! =)

So that means....we need to vote. Desperately! Because it's clear that the politicians don't care unless we do...and they're the ones creating the policy. Rick Mercer says it best in one of his rants. (Please watch it here...RMR- Rick's Rant- VOTE) I have posted this video on facebook and sent it to everyone I know because this country so badly needs some change, and we have to be the ones to make it happen! I feel like my planet is dying and nobody important will listen...this is one way to make our voices heard.

Cited References:

Government of Canada. Canada Election 2011. Found at: Retrieved on: March 29, 2011.

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